Tuesday, August 17, 2010

something to write home about

ummm... is there anything to ever really write home about?? I mean can you seriously not call people anymore and tell them about cool, exciting shit that you have done or are doing? Technology is an amazing little tool my friends.. and honestly I don't know if there is one single thing that I would "write home" about... unless I was in a third world country sending a postcard because I couldn't afford or find a phone/computer.. or it was a letter begging my parents to send money to get me out of captivity.

The reason that I bring this discussion to surface is because I had this conversation this evening among friends and we were seriously mind-boggle-fonged over what we could write to our parents/friends about that was so sick nasty gnar-gnar that we couldn't wait to put it on paper and tell them allll about it.. hmmmm?? Unless you found hard factual evidence that Bigfoot exists than think really, really hard about this one ............ still thinkin???
Dear Mom,

The other side of that coin is that my man is in Australia at the moment and I was so saddened to think that I would have to wait a whole month to hear his sweet, sweet voice and see his spectacular blue eyes again.. BUT wait for it... SKYPE, yes, Skype.. Thank the high heavens for Skype and blue eyes.

Skype is a beautiful invention that allows me to do just the things that I believed were deemed mission impossible.. now I feel like I can see my precious little love almost anytime he is around an internet connection, I love the skyper gods!

Also, I tend to think of myself as someone that likes "fun, trendy" thingys hahaha.... so my friend and I decided to be "fun and trendy" at the same time. We went to Zing Salon in Boulder and got feathers in our hair, sooooo cool! We were super excited about it.. not expensive and looks hawt right??

Well, yes, until you wake up in your bed and your feather extensions are all over the place looking like a parakeet exploded on your pillow!

So I had to go back to the salon and get my hair did again and now it's much better, pfeww!  But sometimes I catch myself looking like Dog the bounty hunter or Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean leading the Black Pearl somewhere dangerous..

I don't know I guess they only last three months and Jack is still a pretty good looking pirate.

Another topic that I would like to shed some light upon is college text book prices.. very lame I know.
But I went to the college bookstore today, because I am a college student once again, and I almost cried to think about spending a whopping $400 for two fucking text books!! I mean really?? In this economy? I remember when I was in college and text books only cost $100 and I had to swim to class through class 5 rapids WTF!

Sooooo me being the economically saavy person that I am (aka I'm very poor) I sniffed around on the internets and found this fantastic little gem www.chegg.com

So here's the dizzle.. you rent the books for the entire semester for a fraction of the price and send them back with free shipping (I mean who the heck wants to keep a text book anyway?) I saved a recronkulous amount of cash doing it.. so if you are, or are going to be, a student soon and are as pressed for cash as I am than DO THIS YO.

My final note of the day is.. if you haven't seen this show than put your fake eyelashes on and start. It will make you feel smart, classy, and extra sassy! And no it's not the Jersey Shore kids.


This chick is insaneeeeeee

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