Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Beating a dead horse

I just saw a commercial for Lost season 6 DVD explaining how Lost is not over and you can get further into Lost.....


I laughed really hard thinking about how this show has gotten so out of control with all of the chain of events and now you can actually go further?? How much further can you go? You are about as far out as you can get John Locke! Quit it!

If there is one thing I take very seriously (there really aren't that many things that I ever take seriously) it's my television shows and Lost was a show that I took more seriously than animal cruelty.  I loved this show like my brother until about the 4th season when shit started to get weirrrrrrd, I mean it was always weird but it just got to be too much for imagination. But I stuck with it and followed it through until the end and was sad when it ended but was glad it ended to put it out of it's misery. Does that even make sense? 

So there are other shows that I feel everyone should watch, they are listed in order from absolutely fantastic to regular fantastic, please take notes so we can discuss later:

  • Californication   
  • East Bound and Down
  • Nip/Tuck
  • Grey's Anatomy
  • Lost
  • Bad Girl's Club
  • Sex in the City
  • Boston Med
  • 20/20
  • I Survived
  • Intervention
  • Dexter
  • 16 and Pregnant
  • Chelsea Lately

There are more but these are the one's that are imperative to my well being.

(Told you I look like Dog The Bounty Hunter/Jack Sparrow)

 If you haven't seen Californication or East Bound and Down, do yourself a favor and check yourself into this century first and foremost and than go watch em Betch! You don't have to send me any thank you cards don't you worry. 
Here's a little clip to get your booty moving to netflix.com or wherevs you choose to view these masterpiece theaters.

Another exciting thing.. I have given up the booze for a month. Yep, I'm becoming alcohol abstinent for 30 days just like the show. I'm sure you're thinking, "this girl must be a total booze bag/alcoholic," ewwww I'm not!! I was inspired and feel this is a key ingredient in being a studious student. I believe that my brain function will be running like a well oiled lawnmower in a mere few weeks. 

No Mas
My brain working as a lawnmower

New subject. I tend to bounce around from gym to gym every now and than.. just to switch things up.. I guess I'm a gym slut?? Anyhoo, I got a membership to the Spot Gym aka the foot scented sauna, I have coined this name due to fact that; it's a sauna and smells like feet. I have also come to realize that I think I hate about 88.765% of the people in there (not the girls) not to mention the music is absolutely horrific!! I went tonight to try to work out a minor tweek in my left shoulder and was annoyed when I walked in to the douche bag at the counter drinking a beer, Sam Adam's no less, in my face and giving me an attitude about not bringing in a "voided check for EFT monthly payment," who uses checks anymore these days bra and aren't you at work dood?? And than I was forced to leave after 30 minutes of dub-step!! AAAARGGGGGGGGGGG!!

Which brings me to my closing thought.. Who, What, How, When, Where THE HELL did this come from and whyyyyyyyy would you ever want to listen to this CRAP! Yes, that is what the whomp whomp whomp sound is.. total crappola! I almost wanted to stab myself in the eardrum and Van Gogh (the artist not the vodka) myself after listening to it for 3 minutes. What a terrible way to end a work out ugh!

For everyone that feels my pain please join this group to support the cause and save our youth:

1 comment:

  1. I watched every episode of LOST thinking 'This time everything will become clear'. I actually believed this right until the very end. That's probably the main reason people kept watching after the fourth season.
    You should watch WEEDS. It's fantastic.

