Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I'm On a boat and Off the market

Sailing is apparently a sport. A sport where you are actually sore from sitting and jumping off the boat, holding on for dear life, cuts, bruise, scratches, and of course slamming down cocktails. I felt like I had the work out of a life time after the first day of sailing, and I did actually sail the damn boat!! I don't really remember all of the cruise but I know it certainly is no easy task, there are ropes and devices, and you have to really pay attention to everything.. there really isn't dull or boring moment when the wind is blowing. After an absolutely amazing, fantastic, fun, debaucherous weekend at Lake McConaughy I thought it would be in my best interest to get my lazy derrière back into nature and go on a hike. 

So as usual I headed South to Chataqua park where I normally do a 4-7 mile loop depending on the weather and of course my mental/physical state on that day. My condition was tired but I mustered up the mental strength to drive there and get out my car. I trudged along and after about mile 2 I looked up and noticed I was in a stare off with a brown bear about 15 feet away from me. I froze and pretended to be dead standing up. One thing to know about me is that I am terrified of wild life, you never know what they are going to do and they are usually always animals that can probably kill you, for example Im really scared of horses. 

After about 39.6 seconds the little bear run off but I had a creeping suspicion that the mama bear was somewhere close so I turned right around and gingerly/feverishly, looking back every few seconds to make sure I wasn't going to be pummeled to my death by the mama bear, went back to my car. The other little tid bit is that for some crazy, wild, insane reason I thought that bears were attracted to women while OTR.. Ill you figure that one out if you don't know what it means. So I decided to do a little research:

I'm officially un-single/off the market once again my friends!
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd.... I'm pretty happy about it!
After spending many hours concocting exciting cocktails, motorcycling into the sunset, pooling, sailing, hiking, cliff diving, and bopping around the bubble it became inevitable that we were in fact a couple, dating, together, boyfren & girlfren. He's awesome and hot and amazing and we have so so so so much fun together. Yay!

Crazy coozies

Vegemite Cocktail

Tasting Vegemite Cocktail

Mustard tasting

And the jam of the week is:

See ya when I get back from the windy city of angel dust xx

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