Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Some more stuff I miss

I miss my old gypsy life.

I miss traveling around without any sort of care in the world other then what I was going to do that day and maybe what I was going to eat for lunch and if a second cup of coffee was a good idea.

I miss packing my bags with climbing shoes, chalk, a few clothes and heading out into the wild to be free like a bunny.

I miss just working out all the time and not worrying about... anything.

That being said. I'm going to start prioritizing a kiss more to get my fat ass back into the "climbing" shape I once was. I so dearly miss that feeling of climbing freely and effortlessly like you are almost floating without thinking.

This all came spinning into my mind yesterday after I had thought that I had lost all of my climbing gear. I was sad and furious at the same time just thinking that all the means I had to actually go climbing had vanished.

And then I called the gym again and they had my stuff so now I'm super happy and motivated.

Yahoo... on to the next phase.

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