Thursday, January 31, 2013

I got bangs. Happy New Year and Merry Everything! Aloha!

I got bangs.. I think they're banging.

Christmas was great. Being with family for an extended period of time is always a bit trying to say the least but in the end I love them no matter all their psychosis and of course I love getting new Lululemon gear and having my flight get delayed for 4 days :) It's also very interesting to go back to my place of birth and roots and see my childhood friends not only getting older but getting married and getting pregnant on purpose. It makes me think;

1. Holy shit, I really am getting freaking old!
2. Maybe I need to get on that same page, get a husband and get knocked up and probably sooner than later??
3. Maybe not?
The sibs

New Years Eve was great. I went to Vail for the first time and froze my ass off. Vail is one of those towns that feels so fake it's like Vegas in the mountains. It's is great don't get me wrong but when people say they "went to the mountains" I would perfer to envision them looking like cavemen with buckskin snowshoes and raccoon fur on rather than one of the Kardasians with Jimmy Choo's and a mink on. But I also dropped the L-bomb on the boy, well he said it first and than I repeated back to him. And meant it. So that was fun and exciting and cute.

And than I went to Hawaii..

It was fucking incredible. Awesome. Radical. And super fun.

I almost got raped, and that sucked but everything else was amazing. The hostel we were staying at; Waikiki Backpackers Hostel; had a rather rapey employee working there that decided to break into my locked, all girls dorm, three times while I was sleeping. I awoke to him making out with me once, I kicked him out. I woke up again, dazed and drunk to him asking me if I wanted him to stay, I kicked him out again. He came back a third time with a comforter asking me if I was sure I didn't want him to stay, I kicked him out again.
I woke up scared and confused at 5:00 a.m. and called my friend Ulises immediately. We met in the kitchen and we all went to the beach and chatted about the haps of the evening and it finally hit my boozed up brain that I was almost raped, or could have been. I called the owner of the hostel and after waiting for hours for him to show up he proceeded to tell me that it was my fault and there was nothing he could do for me. So.. I called the cops and made it a huge deal. If you are ever reading this I would truely love you until the end of time if you could write a terrible review about this place:

On a lighter note.. I was able to spread my grandfathers ashes throughout the island. There is a bit of him on Peacock Flats hiking trail, and various other beaches through Oahu. It was a great feeling to be able to bring him back to a place that I knew he loved and of course give myself some closure as well.

 Some ashes at Ma'akapu Beach. My favorite spot.
 Over looking Kaneohe
Some random beautiful beach on the North Shore. 

And of course some music to send you off with:


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