Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Nailed It!!!!!!!

I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe that I'm embarking on the path of being a full blown adult with health benefits!
I am beyond ecstatic! I am always weary of the unknown and nervous of changing up my carefree lifestyle, giving up my daily work outs and my free time, but I know that this is a huge step in the right direction for me and I'm excited to see where it takes me.

Tonight I am doing a fashion show for a local artist clothing and art shop in Denver known as Megafauna. I will rocking out some sicky gnar gnar spring fashion gear high lighting the massive cut that I just got on my knee last week after trying to "Carpour" aka Parkour off of a car (not the brightest idea if aren't a trained Russian professional.) Megafauna is similar to RVCA but all local artists from the Front Range area with a vast amount of product ranging from jewelry, vintage attire, t-shirts, sweat shirts, posters, etc. They are also huge supporters of local events such as FeedDenver and other non-profit organizations.  

Check 'em: http:
Like 'em Facebook:

I was also thoroughly touched by this viral video that I watched today. I know that Africa has been a struggling country for centuries and I have seen many documentaries about the various struggles but this is something that really tugged on my heart strings and made me want to get involved in any way, shape,  and form. Please watch and spend a few minutes to send this to as many people as you know as it is pertinent is spreading the message to as many people as humanly possible to put a stop to terrible human being.

I also stumbled upon on the most inspirational people in the fitness world this morning and I have started a 30 day challenge to get my abdominals cranking and looking like this stunning chica!

Check out her fitness website
I love the informative instructional videos and her accent and Hot Damn I want to look like her! I'll check back with y'all in 30 days and let you know how it goes :)

Cheers til next time my friends!! xoxox

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