Monday, December 19, 2011

Mewwy Chwistmas Y'all!!

We are now narrowing down to the last 6 days before Christmas.. Christmas is my fav holiday. I love giving people things that I know they'll love and appreciate, I like Santa, I like eating cookies, I like receiving gifts from people.. It's just plain nice and makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I mean that's what Christmas is right??

I unfortunately but fortunately opted not to travel during the holidays this years. One of my fondest memories of traveling during the holidays was in 2008 while I was on the road climbing for a few months and flew out of El Paso, TX. I had a layover in Dallas/Fort Worth and hopped in line to get my usual cheeseburger, small fry and Coca-Cola classic from good ol' McDonald's. There was a bit of confusion in line and two registers opened at the same time relieving the stress of many waiting customers. So I of course pop over to the first available register since I was the next in line and the woman in front of me went to a different register. The woman in front of me, lets call her bitch face, and I met at the counter at different registers. I ordered my stuff and she ordered whatever she did. Than she looked over to me and we met eye contact, and with a cat glare in her eye she told me, "Next time you should wait your turn in line."
Ummmm.... really?? I mean really?? I thought I was totally in the right and it's Christmas!!! So I fired back, "I'm sorry you couldn't wait two minutes to order your Big Mac Bitch!"

And since than I have decided unless it is absolutely pertinent that I return back to the frigid cold New England motherland, I'm not going, because people are so miserable while they are traveling over the holidays!

On another happier, Chirtmasi-er note.. I just wanted to put it out there that I LOVE Lee Foss.. He is an amazing DJ that I am basically borderline obsessed with and you should be too. Here's some of his jams that are absolutely above fabulash on the Richter Scale!


I also finished up with school and ACED that shiz!! Woot Woot! I'm really happy about how well I did even though I felt like Tina Turner the whole semester and I wish that I wasn't facing another 15 years of school and $5 million in potential loans.. 


so I decided to take next semester off, do some soul searching and hopefully find my calling. Wish me luck my little chickens!

I was also privileged enough to be highlighted on this new social nightlife blog out of Austin. 
And like 'em on the FB:

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Finally, on a more serious note, I would like to end with a farewell to one of the most amazing men I ever be blessed enough to meet in my life. George William LaFleur, My Poppy. He was the most spiritual being I have ever met walking this planet besides the real deal monks in Thailand, and I truly believe he was a monk himself. He started both of my parents climbing, raised five amazing women including my beautiful mother, he was a visionary in the AA community also known as his "brotherhood" and "fraternity", served in WWII, loved Hawaii and India, loved the White Mountains, was knowledgeable about absolutely everything due to the massive amounts of books that he read, taught me about Indonesia and the astronomy and mandalas, and had the most amazing loving aura of anyone I have ever been around. He is someone that I admire and will continue to strive to attain his sense of calm, peace, and lovingness in my daily life for the rest of my days. 
I love you Poppy!! Stay/hang loose always! xo
Dec 19, 1926 - Dec 11, 2011

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